Unlock the transformative energy of the universe with Tarot Set Five, a beautifully designed deck that harmonizes the natural elements with the human experience. Each card is intricately tied to the elements of Fire, Air, Water, and Earth, guiding you through the triumphs and challenges of life’s journey. Whether you're seeking clarity, healing, or new perspectives, Tarot Set Five is a powerful tool for inner discovery.
The Chariot (Major Arcana VII) – Element of Fire: Symbolizing the drive for success and the determination to move forward, The Chariot represents victory, adventure, and control. Reversed, it cautions against aggression, war, and surrender, urging you to manage your power wisely.
Wheel of Fortune (Major Arcana X) – Element of Air: A card of fate and destiny, the Wheel of Fortune reminds you of the ever-changing cycles of life, offering luck and transformation. In its reversed form, it warns of upheaval and setbacks but calls for acceptance and mercy in difficult times.
Page of Cups (Minor Arcana) – Element of Water: A symbol of sensitivity and emotional depth, the Page of Cups encourages you to trust your intuition and dreams. Reversed, it reflects the danger of deception, vulnerability, and emotional manipulation.
Three of Cups (Minor Arcana) – Element of Water: Representing celebration, friendship, and joyous gatherings, the Three of Cups brings a sense of happiness and social connection. When reversed, it speaks to disharmony, breakups, and the sorrow that follows loss.
Three of Pentacles (Minor Arcana) – Element of Earth: This card is all about teamwork, learning, and the foundations of success. Reversed, it warns of mismanagement, poor quality, and mediocrity in efforts that lack cooperation or skill.
Three of Swords (Minor Arcana) – Element of Air: A card of heartbreak and sorrow, the Three of Swords cuts deep into themes of separation, loss, and grief. Reversed, it offers hope in healing, growth, and the power of forgiveness to overcome past traumas.
With each card grounded in elemental forces, Tarot Set Five connects you to the cyclical nature of existence, helping you navigate the highs and lows of life with clarity and resilience. Ideal for those seeking spiritual growth or simply looking for guidance in uncertain times, this deck offers both insight and inspiration.